Most people I meet all around the world have an ingrained belief that writing a book is an insurmountable task that is only for those with a literary degree, not a coach, consultant, practitioner, speaker, healer or entrepreneur… and up until recently, it was!
We believe it is the time in history for women to begin to document their journey and stories. Throughout history women have played a major role in scientific discovery, literature and the arts yet their names have been omitted or forgotten.
PWTPublishing a division of Powerful Women Today is committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion of all voices ready to share their gifts and thought leadership to the world. We specialize primarily removing barriers to entry for women authors and those who champion women’s advancement, safety and progress. Our multi-media publishing style maximizes author’s visibility and content distribution. Are you ready to make history?
Our point of difference is that we provide a package that includes all the mentoring, content structure, editing, layout, publishing, Amazon Bestseller Campaign, upload and eBook, pre-launch, and marketing guidance. We also give group support in private, author only groups.